Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Porn Detection Stick: One Plug For Detecting Porn Content

The connoisseur and collector of pornographic content, beware! Now has come a special tool that can detect pornographic content stored on the computer. Companies no longer need to purchase and install special software to check the contents of employees computers. A product called "Porn Detection Stick" created by Paraben Corporation. can easily perform this inspection. Just by plugging into a computer's USB slot-no need for additional software-any pornographic content in it can be detected. In...

Nokia phones based on Windows Phone 7 Will Quit In 2012

A week had passed since Nokia announced cooperation with Microsoft. This cooperation has made Nokia's business strategy changed. They will focus on use of Windows Phone 7 for smartphone devices. When exactly is the Nokia smartphones appear? Banyak kalangan yang mengharapkan kemunculan perdana smartphone Nokia dengan WP7 akan terjadi di tahun ini. Pada Mobile World Congress 2011, Jo Harlow, Senior Vice President  Nokia, mengisyaratkan produk pertama mereka dengan sistem operasi tersebut...

Things that Need to Look For When Buying a New Phone

At the end of this year's holiday, whether you are interested in buying a new gadget? Of course usually there will be many sales promo gadgets in times like these year-end holidays. However, once you buy a new gadget, there are several things to note. This time, I will discuss about the things to consider when you buy a new phone.   1. Good Start Charging Cycle When you first buy mobile phones, pay attention to how charging the batteries. It would be very good at all to do several times...

Cheap Android smartphones with price 1 Million

December, which will soon be over and start the new year. If linked, December can be interpreted as the month with a long vacation. How could I not, in this month there will be one week that has two important moment, Christmas and New Year. Christmas and New Year for some people is a moment to perform important activities: shopping at the end of the year! In this article we will discuss anything about Android smartphone that has a price of under two million dollars. Smartphone that this is...

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Buyer’s Guide: USB Flash Disk Drive

Why flash disk is still the main choice to serve as a data storage device? In fact, external hard disks tend to have greater storage capacity. Apparently, the ease of carrying and practicality make the flash disk is preferred by most people. Most of the users did not bother owned performance flash disks. Unfortunately indeed, high-performance flash disk that can make your job done faster. In this article, we will give you some shopping tips in a flash disk. Flash Disk USB 2.0 or USB 3.0?   Now...

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